M.P. Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of NAS of Ukraine

Geochemistry and geochronology of granitoids granulite-gneiss associations of the Ukrainian Shield


Report on the SRW: 268 p., 6 parts, 105 figures, 32 tables, 169 sources.

The object of the study is the granitoids of the granulite-gneiss areas of the USh, which include charnockitoids, granitoids of the Berdychiv and sabites of the Gaisyn complexes of the USh.

The goal is to develop the scientific basis for the dissection of granitoids of granulite-gneiss associations of the Ukrainian Shield (USh) on the basis of petrological, geotectonic and isotopic-geochemical criteria.

Complex geological and structural studies were carried out, including high-quality performance of field and laboratory work, reinterpretation of the existing bank of geological materials, proposed changes to the Correlation chronostratigraphic scheme of granitoids of granulite-gneiss associations of the USh.

As a result of the work:

‒ on the basis of the obtained new data, the petrological and geochemical features of the geological bodies of the granitoid composition of the granulite-gneiss assemblages of the USh, which differ in mineralogical and geochemical characteristics, were determined;

‒ established patterns of structural organization, age, and mineralogy-geochemical specialization of granitoids of granulite-gneiss associations.

On the basis of complex petrological, isotopic-geochemical and geochronological studies, a model of the formation of granitoids of granulite-gneiss associations of individual megablocks of the USh was developed.

Conditions for receiving the report: by contact, 34 Palladina Avenue, 03142, Kyiv-142, IGMOF of NAS of Ukraine.


Ponomarenko Oleksandr Mykolaiovych

Lisna Iryna Mykhailivna

Larikov Anton Leonidovych

Zaiats Olha Viktorivna

Somka Liudmyla Vasylivna

Kovalenko Oleksandr Oleksandrovych

Hulko Volodymyr Volodymyrovych

Other authors:

Skobin V.T., Kushnir S.V., Kucherina M.M., Shvaika I.D., Proskurka L.I., Moroz V.S., Starokadomsky D.L., Borontova S.V., Skopychenko I.M.



Head of the research:

Ponomarenko Oleksandr Mykolaiovych

Registration Card (RC):


Execution period of the research:

2018 - 2022