M.P. Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of NAS of Ukraine

Geochemistry of rare-earth elements in zircons and monazites from granitoids of the Ukrainian shield (according to ICP-MS data)


The report on research work contains 144 pages, 19 tables, 32 figures, and 54 used literary sources.

The object of the study was rocks, minerals on the territory of the Ukrainian shield, standard samples of rocks.

The purpose of the work is to develop an analytical technology for the determination of rare earth elements (REEs) by the method of mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS) in monazites, zircons and granites of the Ukrainian Shield. Development of an effective method of sample preparation of samples of granites, zircons and monazites in a microwave field. Determination of the content and distribution of rare earths elements in granitoids of the western and central part of the Ukrainian shield. Creating a classification of granitoids of the Ukrainian shield.

The optimal physical and chemical conditions for decomposition and dissolution of rocks and minerals using microwave radiation have been established. 10 analytical schemes of sample preparation (of silicate and carbonate rocks, minerals and soils) were developed and REE content was determined in them.

The optimal composition and concentration of solvents (acids HF, HCl, H2SO4) and solvents  LiBO2, H3BO3, Na2O2 were determined; as well as the optimal parameters of mx-processing such as: temperature, time, pressure for the decomposition of geological objects in the ETHOS microwave oven of the MILESTONE company (Italy). An interlaboratory standard sample was created for ICP-MS calibration.


Other authors:

O.M.Ponomarenko, A.I.Samchuk, I.M.Lisna, T.V.Ogar, E.S.Popenko, O.V.Zaiats, S.I.Kurylo, O.G.Antonenko, T.I.Makarenko, K.V.Petrychenko, T.K.Kokot, A.G.Kotko



Head of the research:

Ponomarenko Oleksandr Mykolaiovych

Registration Card (RC):


Execution period of the research:

2013 - 2015