Report on the scientific research work: 110 pages, 17 figures, 2 tables, 79 references.
The object of research is minerals and mineraloids in the bowels of Ukraine and on the territory of the state.
The purpose of the work is to make a complete record of mineral species and their varieties that occur in the bowels of Ukraine, clarify their distribution in geological complexes, give a comprehensive description of physical and chemical properties, collect data on genesis and determine the practical value of mineral finds.
The research method is the processing of published and unpublished data on mineral finds, supplemented by the results of mineral substance research by physical and chemical methods.
Research results. Despite the fact that over the last ten years, several dozen new minerals were discovered in the depths of Ukraine, the number of mineral species known in Ukraine did not increase, but decreased during this time. This is due to changes in the nomenclature of minerals that took place under the auspices of the Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC) of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA). The nomenclature of such large groups (supergroups) of minerals common in Ukraine as amphiboles, pyrochlores, tourmalines, apatites, etc., underwent enormous changes. In order to identify a mineral type, information about the position of one or another chemical element in the structure of the mineral, the charge of atoms, and the individual composition of lanthanides is necessary. These are the requirements that require research methods that are still not readily available for Ukrainian mineralogists. As a result, the finds of species mentioned in the literature can now be identified only as finds of representatives of certain groups or series of minerals. The writing of Latin names of minerals approved by the CNMNC in Cyrillic, the widespread use of discredited mineral names in literary sources and references to discredited species, which creates obstacles for search engines, the creation of electronic databases, and automated systematization of information, are problematic.
Work on collecting information was preceded by work on organizing the nomenclature and names of mineral species in the Ukrainian language. A project of the Dictionary of normative names of minerals has been created, which includes more than 8,000 terms written in letters of the extended Latin alphabet, Ukrainian and Russian alphabets. The project is presented for discussion on the specially created website "Mineralogical Encyclopedia of Ukraine" (http://mineralopediaukraine.com/). The dictionary provides information about the status of the mineral and the status of its name, the origin of the name, variants of the crystal chemical formula, and the degree of distribution of the mineral in the bowels of Ukraine.
Ukraine is far behind its nearest neighbors in terms of new mineral discoveries. At the same time, as the collected data show, there is a huge potential for the discovery of new minerals in our country. The wider implementation of only the electronic microprobe in the mineralogical research methodology made it possible to discover hitherto unknown varieties of minerals, as well as a number of undiagnosed phases and natural alloys. Mineralogists of Ukraine have every chance to replenish the state's "golden balance" by finding unique and unknown minerals in the world.
The results of the scientific research work are displayed on the website: http://www.mineralopediaukraine.com/. It is planned to publish them in the form of a multi-volume summary of regional mineralogy "Mineralogical Encyclopedia of Ukraine".
Kulchetska Hanna Oleksandrivna
Pavlyshyn Volodymyr Ivanovych
Ponomarenko Oleksandr Mykolaiovych
Chernysh Dariia Serhiivna
Vozniak Dmytro Kostiantynovych
Belskyi Volodymyr Mykolaiovych
Herasymets Iryna Mykolaivna
Other authors:
mineral species, mineralogical encyclopedia, name, nomenclature, dictionary of minerals, regional mineralogy
Head of the research:
Kulchetska Hanna Oleksandrivna
Registration Card (RC):
Execution period of the research:
2013 - 2017