M.P. Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of NAS of Ukraine

Chronostratygraphy and geodynamics of the megablocks of the Ukrainian shield



Report on the SRW: 566 p., 3 parts, 225 figures, 24 tables, 349 sources

The object of the study is the megablocks of the Ukrainian shield.

The goal is the chronostratigraphic dissection of the Precambrian rocks of the megablocks of the USh and the connection of these data with the geodynamic development of the USh based on the study of the mineralogical composition, genesis, geochemical specificity, age of the Precambrian rocks and their structural and textural features, i.e., this is an attempt to establish the relationship of the laws of geodynamic development megablocks of USh and the age and geochemical features of the crystalline complexes that form them.

Research methods are mineralogical-geochemical, structural, structural-paragenetic, stratigraphic, isotopic dating of accessory minerals.

Comprehensive geological-structural studies were carried out, including some field and laboratory work, reinterpretation of the available bank of geological materials, establishment of geological-evolutionary signs of the formation of Precambrian structures of the USh.

During the work:

–  the specifics of the geological bodies of USh of various composition, which differ in morphology, structural-textural, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics, have been thoroughly studied and determined;

– the age was established, the mineralogical-geochemical composition, structure and spatial position, the sequence of formation of the studied geological bodies were studied in more detail.

Based on the study of the mineralogical composition, genesis, geochemical specificity, age of Precambrian rocks and their structural and textural features, an attempt was made to create a concept of geodynamic development of the USh megablocks.


Ponomarenko Oleksandr Mykolaiovych

Shcherbak Mykola Petrovych

Stepaniuk Leonid Mykhailovych

Lisna Iryna Mykhailivna

Larikov Anton Leonidovych

Zaiats Olha Viktorivna

Shumlianskyi Leonid Vladyslavovych

Somka Liudmyla Vasylivna

Other authors:

Osmachko L.S., Kasianenko K.O., Andreev O.O., Pryvalov V.O.



Head of the research:

Ponomarenko Oleksandr Mykolaiovych

Registration Card (RC):


Execution period of the research:

2013 - 2017