The report on scientific project: 179 p., 75 figs., 18 tables, 200 references.
The object of investigation – the own and admixture defects in real crystals of natural minerals, charge defects (electronic and hole centers), aggregations of the defects (atomic and atomic-vacancy clusters and primary structural elements of newly forming crystal phases).
The aim of the work – is toelucidate the role of the own structural defects, iso- and heterovalent isomorphic admixtures in the process of solid phase transformations of the rock-forming minerals during their thermal and irradiation history of magmatic formations.
The methods of investigations – the roles and abilities of spectroscopic methods at investigations of nano-dimension formations in natural minerals are emphasized. One of the most prospective directions of mineralogical investigations, related to learning a genetic history of mineral individuals, is investigation of the primary stages of chemical and structural solid-phase transformations in minerals, represented by limited isomorphic mixtures, i.e., the very primary stages of decay and polymorph transformations in solid solutions.
In this work,the original systematics of nano-dimension structural and admixture defectsin crystals of natural minerals is represented, first, on various types of clusters, which can be regarded as primary super-atomic structural elements at formation of new mineral phases. On the example of some rock-forming minerals of magmatic genesis (quartz, corundum, olivine, garnets, feldspars etc.) the evolution (at thermal and irradiation history of the host rocks) of point structural and admixture defectsup to formation of atomic and atom-vacancy cluster formation, which are elementary “bricks” of nano-dimensional structural formations, the precursors of micro-inclusions of ilmenite in quartz, corundum, talc and serpentine in olivine etc. is traced. In the latter the role of admixed hydrogen atoms (OH-defects) in solid-phase transformations of olivine of mantle rocks is emphasized.
Tarashchan Arkadii Mykolaiovych
Khomenko Volodymyr Mykhailovych
Taran Mykhailo Mykolaiovych
Other authors:
nano-mineralogy, rock-forming minerals, structural and admixture defects and their aggregations (clusters) in natural minerals
Head of the research:
Taran Mykhailo Mykolaiovych
Registration Card (RC):
Execution period of the research:
2007 - 2011