M.P. Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of NAS of Ukraine

Development of geochemical criterian for prediction of rare metal deposits in the Kirovograd block of USh


Report on the SRW: 60 pp., 37 figures, 9 tables, 33 sources.

The object of research is deposits of rare metals.

The purpose of the work is to develop geochemical criteria for forecasting rare metal deposits in the Kirovohrad block of the USh.

The research method is atomic absorption, ion-selective, ICP-MS.

During the geological and geochemical analysis of the research areas - Selyshchansk (tungsten mineralization), 2 - Polokhivsk (lithium ore deposit), 3 - Skhidnolypovenk (chromium ore deposit), 4 - Bobrynetsk (fluorite ore deposit), 5 - Klintsivsk (gold ore deposit) developed geochemical criteria. by which it is possible to predict deposits of rare metals. These criteria are multiplicative indicators based on significant correlations of elements, associations of elements that are preserved only within ore bodies.

The relationship between primary and secondary haloes was traced and a conclusion was made about the most effective geochemical criteria for each site.


Zhovynskyi Eduard Yakovych

Kriuchenko Nataliia Olehivna

Zhuk Olena Anatoliivna

Other authors:



Head of the research:

Zhovynskyi Eduard Yakovych

Registration Card (RC):


Execution period of the research:

2007 - 2011