M.P. Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of NAS of Ukraine

Complex structural-geological, mineralogical-petrographic and isotopic-geochemical research with the purpose of identifying and justification of the seam zones of the Ukrainian shield and their conclusion with the results of aerospace research


Report on the SRW: 122 p., 3 parts, 56 figures, 9 tables, 79 sources.

The object of the study is the seam zones of the Ukrainian Shield (USh).

The purpose of the research is to identify and substantiate the suture zones of the Ukrainian shield.

The research methods are structural and paragenetic, petrographic and mineralogical, isotopic dating of accessory minerals.

The results of structural-geological, mineralogical-petrographic and isotopic-geochemical studies of Precambrian rocks of the suture zones of the USh are presented; also - the results of deciphering the aerial photographs of the specified zones and adjacent territories, which were carried out at the IGMOF named after M.P. Semenenko of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The obtained data are the basis for the selection and substantiation of the suture zones of the USh. It is shown that sutures zones of USh were formed, at least, during five stages of dislocation transformations of crystalline rocks in time intervals of 3.6-3.4; 3.4-3.2; 3.2-2.5; 2.5-2.0 and 2.0-1.7 billion years ago. Their final structure, as a secondary monocline complicated by melange, was formed due to compression in the sublatitudinal direction and shifts in the submeridional direction 2.0-1.7 billion years ago. The structures deciphered on the space photographs emphasize and reinforce the structure of the seam zones and adjacent areas, which was formed in the specified time interval.

Conditions for receiving the report: by contact, 34 Palladina Avenue, 03142, Kyiv-142, IGMOF of NAS of Ukraine


Shcherbak Mykola Petrovych

Ponomarenko Oleksandr Mykolaiovych

† Yesypchuk Kostiantyn Yukhymovych

Lisna Iryna Mykhailivna

Osmachko Liubov Stepanivna

Hatsenko Vira Oleksiivna

Yanchenko Vitalii Petrovych

Other authors:

† K.Yu. Yesypchuk



Head of the research:

Shcherbak Mykola Petrovych

Ponomarenko Oleksandr Mykolaiovych

Registration Card (RC):


Execution period of the research:

2007 - 2011