M.P. Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of NAS of Ukraine

Mass spectrometric center for solid phase, gas, isotope and trace element analysis

Head of the center
Director of the Institute, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, professor,  doctor of geological sciences

Ponomarenko Oleksandr Mykolaiovych
Phone (044) 501 15 20; (044) 424 12 70
E-mail: office.igmr@gmail.com


       Mass Spectrometric Center for Solid-Phase, Gas, Isotope and Trace Element Analysis  created on the basis of the Institute  on July 11, 2006 for the purpose of the most rational the use of unique and valuable scientific devices/equipment of domestic or imported production, which is impossible or impractical to purchase for each scientific institution from centralized funds, joint funds of groups of institutions and organizations, other sources of financing of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 

     Center  created on the laboratory base of scientific departments of the Institute without the status of a legal entity and reports directly to the director of the Institute.

       The main task of the Center is to provide scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine with the opportunity to conduct research on state-of-the-art devices that are serviced by qualified personnel capable of maintaining the equipment in high-quality working condition and providing consulting services. 

       To Center, according programs for the centralized purchase of imported scientific instruments and equipment at the expense of the budget funds of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, includes three instruments, which can be used in research in various fields: geology, biology, physics, chemistry, medicine, ecology, materials science, metallurgy, etc.

Service provision procedure

1. Scientific institutions and organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine that need to conduct research on the Center's scientific equipment submit their applications for the number of hours, terms and types of research in writing to the head of the Center.

2. Paid services for the use of the Center's scientific equipment for the needs of other customers are provided in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

3. The Center provides all expenses related to the use of scientific equipment.


Contact person

deputy director for scientific and organizational work,

candidate of geological sciences

Vovk Kateryna Viacheslavivna

Phone, e-mail:  (044) 424-15-30, vovkkaterina90@gmail.com





ThermoFinnigan ICP-MS ELEMENT-2 mass spectrometer and New Wave UP-193 SS laser ablation system

Technical characteristics:

Responsible person:

Shvaika Ihor Dmytrovych; room 126, phone (066) 321 05 31,

e-mail:  igor.d.shvayka@gmail.com

Responsible person for sample preparation for further determination of their chemical composition on the ELEMENT-2 inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer.

Proskurka Liubov Ivanivna. Phone (066) 341 98 38

e-mail: proskurkol@ukr.net., rooms 127, 128, 129.



Autoemission scanning electron microscope JSM-6700F










































X-ray fluorescence spectrometer with wavelength dispersion

ARL OPTIM'X WDXRF Spectrometer


  Manufacturer: ThermoScientific™

  Manufacturer, country: Switzerland

  Manufacturer, city: Ecublens

  Device manufacturing date: 2012

  Technical parameters of the device. Anode Rh, 50 W, crystals: LiF200, PET, AX06; detectors: proportional counter, scintillation detector.

    Materials under investigation: rocks, cement, slag, chemicals, oxides, metals, glass, ceramics, food products and others.

     Samples can be in the form of loose powder, pressed tablets, floats, pastes, granules and coatings.

     Elements under investigation: from fluorine (Z=9) to americium (Z=95).

    X-ray fluorescence composition analysis (XRF) can be performed for unknown materials using non-standard technology, which is implemented using Thermo Scientific™ UniQuant.

       Quantitative determination of the chemical composition of unknown samples is carried out using a powerful methodology based on fundamental parameters and proprietary XRF data processing algorithms .


100% m/m

10% m/m

1% m/m

1000 mg g-1

100 mg g-1

10 mg g-1

1 mg g-1










Responsible person

Kalinichenko Tetiana Henadiivna
