Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation named after M .P. Semenenko of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (until 1993 – Institute of Geochemistry and Mineral Physics (IGFM), until 2006 – Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation) was established on January 9, 1969 on the basis of the Department of Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrography, Mineral Resources and the Metallogeny Sector of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR in order to study the composition and evolution of the lithosphere; identification of patterns of formation and localization of mineral deposits; development of geochemical, mineralogical and petrological criteria for forecasting and prospecting of deposits and ore occurrences; synthesis of minerals and discovery of new types of mineral raw materials.
February 18, 1993 in the in connection with the strengthening of the ore-metallogenic direction, by the Resolution of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Institute of Geochemistry and Mineral Physics was renamed to the Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation (IGMR).
December 7, 2006 by decision of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine (Resolution No. 326), the institute was named after the founder and first director, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine M.P. Semenenko.
The Statute of the Institute was approved by Order of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine No. 738 dated November 16, 2016.
The main directions of scientific research of the institute in accordance with the Resolution of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine No. 180 dated September 26, 2012 are:
– geochemistry of rock and ore formation processes, exploratory geochemistry and environmental geochemistry;
– regional and genetic mineralogy, mineral physics, nanomineralogy;
– petrology of endogenous processes;
– geology, metallogeny and forecasting of mineral deposits of Ukraine.
Institute – the only one in the NAS system and the leading scientific center in Ukraine for determining the age of rocks by isotopic methods and studying the isotopic composition of heavy radioactive elements. Scientific interests are focused on elucidating patterns of placement and discovery of new deposits of ferrous, non-ferrous, noble, rare metals, radioactive elements, the potential of which is in the Precambrian of the Ukrainian Shield (USH) and its framework; introduction of geochemical search methods into the practice of geological exploration works; research in the field of mineral physics, thermobarogeochemistry, biomineralogy.
13 scientific departments are working on the tasks facing the Institute: geochemistry of isotopes and mass spectrometry; radiogeochronology; exploratory and environmental geochemistry; geochemistry of man-made metals and analytical chemistry; regional and genetic mineralogy; optical spectroscopy and luminescence of minerals; physics of mineral structures and biomineralogy; diamond bearing problems; petrology; Precambrian geology and chronostratigraphy; geology and geochemistry of ore deposits, geological, geochemical and remote research methods, cosmoecology and space mineralogy.
The efforts of the team of the institute are directed, mainly, to the study of the material composition of geological formations in the range of isotopes – element – mineral – breed – breed associations – ore formations. These studies are the main element in revealing patterns of placement of minerals, in particular in Precambrian formations.
On July 11, 2006, the Institute created Center for collective use of instruments “Mass spectrometric center of solid phase, gas isotope and trace elements analysis”.
The specialized academic council of the Institute accepts for defense theses for obtaining the scientific degrees of doctor and candidate of geological sciences in the specialties of "geochemistry", "petrology", and "mineralogy, crystallography".
Scientific schools that exist and are developing at the Institute contributed to solving the issues of revealing the ore-bearing potential of the Ukrainian shield: petrological (founded by Academician V.I. Luchytskyi, Prof. M.I. Bezborodky and Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR I.S. Usenko) ; of isotopic geochemistry and geochronology (founded by Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR M.P. Semenenko and Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR E.S. Burkser); of regional, genetic mineralogy and mineral physics (founded by Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR E.K. Lazarenko, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR O.S. Povarennykh and Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR I.V. Matyashem); of lithology and exploratory geochemistry (founded by Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR L.G. Tkachuk and Doctor of Geological Sciences, Prof. E.I. Kukovskyi).
Since 1979, the institute has been publishing the «Mineralogical Journal» , since 2002 the collection of scientific works «Prospective and Environmental Geochemistry», аand since 2003 the publication of the collection of scientific works«Geochemistry and Ore Formation»has been resumed.
At the Institute on October 31, 2019, created  department "Mineralogical Museum named after Academician V.I. Vernadskyi".
The founder of the Institute and its first director was Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Mykola Panteleimonovych Semenenko - an outstanding scientist in the field of petrology, geochemistry, geochronology and Precambrian ore bearing.
From 1977 to 2008, the institute was headed by Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Mykola Petrovych Shcherbak - a scientist in the field of petrology, mineralogy and isotopic geochronology of Precambrian formations, honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine, twice laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology.
Since 2008, the director of the institute is Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Oleksandr Mykolayovych Ponomarenko, a specialist in the field of isotope geochronology and geochemistry of isotopes.